Do you have back pain or difficulty moving, or have you sustained an injury that has left you with constant pain or generalized discomfort?
When you have an injury, your brain acts to protect you from further injury by restricting movement. For example, when you have a shoulder injury, you may protect it by inhibiting movement in that area such that your shoulder blade, upper back and collarbone now move as one. Once your brain has mapped this “new” shoulder as one block, it becomes very difficult for the individual body parts to move separately again. Before long, your quality of movement may become less refined, your posture may worsen, and you may have referred pain unrelated to the original injury.
NeuroMovement® addresses the whole person - not just the symptom - and explores the relationship between the brain, the bones and the muscles, and helps the brain identify how it can use different parts of the body to create better movement. Through the use of subtle, gentle and innovative movement patterns, the neuroplasticity of the brain is activated for new learning. This technique helps your brain reset its map of your body, improve your body awareness, and relinquish habitual movement patterns that have caused or contributed to your chronic pain. You will also experience improvements in your balance, breathing, coordination and sense of well-being.
NeuroMovement® can be experienced in group classes or in private one-on-one sessions. In a group class, you will be verbally guided through a series of gentle, slow movements usually lying on the floor. One-on-one sessions are hands-on, and use gentle, non-invasive touch, usually lying on a low, comfortable table fully clothed. One-on-one sessions are tailored to you and are recommended if you have persistent pain and injury and would like to expedite your recovery.
Learn more about group classes or private, one on one sessions.