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My daughter was having problems with her balance and coordination at 20 months. She would lean to the right and drag her left foot when walking. She would often fall. In our 2 week vacation in Canada, we tried to get as many appointments as possible with Claire. We were surprised to see so much improvements after just a few sessions. Elise was not only walking more stable, she was running! She is now so confident and is so happy she found her balance and coordination. She became more independent and loved being able to walk without assistance. We are so glad to have met Claire. I can really see her love for kids and for what she does in the short time we were together. We will definitely see her again when we come back to Vancouver. - Alexander, mother

Claire’s ABM treatment sessions were absolutely life changing for me as an athlete and I highly recommend her work.

Before finding Claire, I was unable to stand for more than 10-15 minutes at a time without considerable discomfort due to lower back/ SI joint issues. I’d visited several physios, chiropractors and massage therapists over a couple of years, with some short-term benefits but none that really lasted and none were as transformative as Claire’s work.

In the afternoon following my third ABM session with Claire, I was chatting with a friend and suddenly realized that I had been standing for well over an hour without even thinking about it.  It was just wonderful to no longer be in pain each day and I was soon also back to playing field hockey regularly.  It is now two years later and my back pain has not returned.  

Claire is very knowledgeable and passionate about her work with ABM and I can’t speak highly enough of my very positive experience and outcome.   If you’re even considering booking an appointment – just do it! - Sam, Accountant

I've done several one-on-one sessions with Claire during the past few years and always feel lighter and more mobile when I leave. It's very gentle and Claire is so giving with her time and knowledge. When I had a groin/hamstring pull from soccer, she helped me resolve it quickly. 

I have also been going to her classes for the past 2 years. I love how calm I feel afterward and how I move with more ease. I am learning to tune into my body and feel what is and isn't moving. I didn't even know at first that my chest wasn't moving when I walked! 

I work a desk job and spend a lot of time sitting, which tightens my hips, shoulders, and neck. Playing soccer and working out with weights can create a lot of tension in certain muscles for me. I know the classes and private sessions with Claire can help 'unwind' things.

As I become more aware of moving in ways that reduce or eliminate unnecessary muscle tension, I look forward to creating even more ease throughout my body. I think this is important work to do as we age because it helps keep us mobile. In addition, I think it contributes to a sharper brain because we are working on different movement patterns. Fire up those neurons! – Martina, web strategist

We went to see Claire for help with my 12 year old son after he was diagnosed with Severs disease (growth plate on the back of the heel was inflamed and painful, common issue with soccer players). As a very active child, he was struggling not being able to do his usual activities like soccer, simple running around at recess and particularly cross-country skiing, where we noticed he was pronating his feet causing him further pain. After a couple of sessions with Claire, the improvements were incredible - the pain disappeared and he was able to return to his activities. After a few follow up sessions, we felt reassured that Finn's body had relearnt what range of movement was possible. Any time he has a flare up now, Finn requests a visit to Claire!- Kate, Senior Project Manager

In January 2022 I started to suffer from severe neck spasms.  I was seen by a multitude of specialists and had a full battery of medical testing, with no resolution.  By October the neck spasms were so severe that I wasn't comfortable leaving the house; my life became very small and sad.  I was on a high dosage of medication to control the spasms. In January 2023 I met Claire and my life began again.  Fast forward to today, I am off all the meds, I am cycling again and enjoying life.  The ways that Claire's treatments have changed my body are so delightful.  I have rediscovered movement!  Claire is very passionate about neuro movement and her focus and insight to help the body heal is so evident!   I will continue working with Claire, aging is now exciting! - Carol, retired

As a senior, with lower spinal stenosis and arthritis, I was having problems with balance and mobility. Pain radiating into my hips severely limited what I could do. A friend suggested I try one of Claire's classes. Wow, what a difference.

The thoughtful, gentle movements taught in class along with some private sessions, allowed me to move well again. The pain in my hips is gone completely. Before, I could never stand on one leg, though I did lots of related exercises. I had

to hold on or sit to put on pants. Now I can balance on one leg and have no trouble with pants. Getting up off the floor is now easy. Aside from the classes and treatments that are great, Claire designed a movement practise regimen that I do at

home. Claire is such a supportive encouraging person. My wife and son have also benefited from Claire's classes and treatments. I look forward to each class or treatment. - Howard, Retired

Two years ago, I started having increasingly worsening shoulder pain. Claire’s private sessions helped me understand how the way I moved my body was putting strain on my shoulders, which was resulting in limited range of motion and pain. As a result, I had difficulty doing the activities that give joy and meaning to my life. Claire helped me understand how the whole body is interconnected and how to move in ways that require less effort, especially in areas of my body where certain movements were particularly painful. The sessions include gentle movements and re-connecting of muscles and skeleton, so that moving is more free and effortless. With those sessions, I experienced sustained improved mobility in my shoulders and other connected parts of my body, and this allowed me to return to my everyday and sports activities. This has significantly improved my quality of life. I wholeheartedly recommend Claire’s session for anyone seeking improvements in mobility and a better quality of life. - Georgia, Mental Health Specialist

I am a scientist who tends to stick with conventional medical options. Then I got arthritis, and conventional therapy wasn’t much help. Being treated by Claire gave me my life back - Claire helped me move again in ways I thought were out of my reach. As I prepare for hip replacement surgery, I know that having Claire in my corner will jump-start my recovery and help me become better-than-new. - Pippa, Scientist

As a woman and elder who lives with a lot of pain, I have experienced various treatment modalities. I've started doing NeuroMovement sessions with Claire and feel I really benefit from the gentleness and the new body awareness that comes via this method. The method and Claire are very nurturing and it seems to me that my body does not get as defended and then learns to relax more easily. My brain also relaxes and so I feel more calm. - Elli, Retired

Claire has done great work with my son who has asd/adhd for the past 1.5 year The improvement in coordination is very noticable. It has helped my son in his swimming lessons and his writing has improved a lot in legibility. Also his maturity and emotional regulation has improved while seeing Claire. While seeing Claire he feels comfortable and they get along great as she understands him. Claire is friendly and prompt with communication. Highly recommended. - Oliver, father

When I joined NeuroMovement sessions at a local Community Center, I expected only a gentle exerciseprogram that would not aggravate further my injured left arm or my left shoulder that never fully recovered from a car accident many years before. However, this program proved to be so much more than just an exercise! Only after a few sessions, I was surprised that my left arm regained better mobility and that I was less aware of the ever-lurking pangs of pain.

On recommendations from other participants in the program, I booked private sessions with Claire who

concentrated working on my specific problems. This personalized treatment helped me to regain near-

perfect mobility and strength in my arm. I have no tension in my shoulder and most importantly I feel no

pain when moving my arm. I wish that I was aware of the ABM NeuroMovement years ago. - Zofia, retired

My right shoulder was in pain constantly before Claire began treating me.  Now I can say the pain has gone thanks to Claire and ABM. I had never heard of ABM or NeuroMovement but it seemed logical to me and I am glad that I found it and Claire as a practitioner. She has a healing touch and will help many with her skills. - Liz, postal worker


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